Estimating the timeline for Brexit Legislation

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 25.04.17 / 25.10.18
Publication Date 25/10/2018
Content Type

The notification of Article 50 signals the beginning of the two-year period within which a withdrawal agreement has to be negotiated between the UK and European Union.

This timeline provides an approximation of key Brexit and legislative events for the years 2017-2019, including the impact of the Wales Act 2017 and the impact on the work of the National Assembly for Wales (NAW)

The National Assembly for Wales: Research Service (Senedd Research) subsequently updated the Timeline on a number of occasions. The 4th iteration was published in October 2018 (see related hyperlinks)

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Find more information on Wales and the EU Referendum, 23 June 2016
ESO: In Focus: Brexit - The United Kingdom and the European Union
Wales: NAW: Senedd Research: In Brief, 25.10.18: Estimating the timeline of the Brexit negotiations

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