ETF Yearbook 2004: Learning matters

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2004
ISBN 92-9157-373-6
ISSN 1725-9061
Content Type

This yearbook is the first of a new series that the ETF will produce on an annual basis. The aim is for ETF staff to present analyses and insights based on the experience they have gained through their work on single projects or country-based activities. The Yearbook 2004 is a compilation of a number of the papers originally prepared for discussion at the ETF plenary Advisory Forum conference, 'Learning Matters', held in Turin, Italy in November 2003. Following the meeting, the papers were revised to accommodate the results of the discussions. The topics covered in this yearbook include the policy learning approach and facilitating its implementation, lifelong learning, institution building, a review of employment and training statistics, and the current state of play in each of the regions with which the ETF works.

Source Link$FILE/ECU_Yearbook_04_EN.pdf
Subject Categories
Countries / Regions