EU agricultural prices in 2008

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.10, 2009 (11.2.09)
Publication Date 2009
ISSN 1977-0316
EC KS-SF-09-010-EN-N
Content Type

According to the estimates for Agricultural Price Indices (API) that the Member States have supplied to Eurostat, output prices in nominal terms are reckoned to have increased by 6.5% in the European Union (EU 27) in 2008 compared to 2007. When adjusted for inflation (deflated or in real terms) the result is a 2.7% increase in 2008, following a 6.5% rise in 2007. The increase in the total output index was driven by the rise in real prices of Animal output (6.6%), while Crop output remained at almost the same level as in 2007.

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Countries / Regions