EU and US voice concern on reports of Russian tanks in Ukraine

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Series Details 13.06.14
Publication Date 13/06/2014
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The EU and US urged Russia to stop arming Ukraine rebels after Ukraine said Russian tanks and artillery crossed the border on the 12 June 2014.

Nato released images which it said backed up Ukrainian claims that Russian tanks crossed into Ukraine.

News sources reported on the 14 June 2014 that separatists in the eastern part of Ukraine had shot down a Ukrainian military plane killing at least 49 people on board. Ukraine's President Poroshenko vowed to retaliate after the incident.

Russia reacted angrily to a violent protest outside its embassy in Ukraine on the 14 June 2014, which saw windows smashed, the Russian flag torn down and cars overturned.

The Guardian reported on the 17 June 2014 that Russia was circulating a new UN resolution on Ukraine in a fresh effort to get the deeply divided security council to address the worsening humanitarian situation and escalating conflict in the east between the government and separatist fighters.

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ESO: Background information: Ukraine's Poroshenko sworn in and sets out peace plan
ESO: Key Source: Euromaidan - Protests in Ukraine 2013 - 2015 - Key source
European Commission: RAPID: MEMO/14/421: President Barroso : Phone call with President Poroshenko
BBC News, 13.06.14: Ukraine crisis: Fighting erupts in city of Mariupol
European Commission: RAPID: Press Release, IP/14/676: EU releases €250 million of grants to support Ukraine
Deutsche Welle, 14.06.14: Russia's slow invasion of Ukraine
EUObserver, 14.06.14: Barroso agrees new Russia talks, as warfare escalates
BBC News, 15.06.14: Ukraine crisis: Russia condemns attack on Kiev embassy
NATO: News, 13.06.14: NATO Secretary General concerned about reports of escalation of the crisis in Eastern Ukraine
BBC News, 14.06.14: Russia and Ukraine's mystery tanks
NATO: News, 14.06.14: NATO Releases Imagery: Raises Questions on Russia’s Role in Providing Tanks to Ukraine
Deutsche Welle, 15.06.14: Ukraine mourns plane victims, awaits last-minute gas talks with Russia
European Commission: RAPID: STATEMENT/14/194: President Barroso's phone call with President Putin
European Commission: RAPID: STATEMENT/14/195: UKRAINE: All parties must protect civilians
Council of the European Union: Press Release/14/344: Statement by the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, on the downing of a Ukrainian military aircraft
EurActiv, 16.06.14: Ukrainian minister swears at Putin
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The Guardian, 15.06.14: Ukraine minister's abusive remarks about Putin spark diplomatic row
OSCE: Newsroom: Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 15 June (Kyiv time)
EU: EEAS: Press Release, 14.06.14: Statement on shooting down of a Ukrainian airplane close to the Luhansk airport
The Guardian, 17.06.14: Russia tables new UN resolution for ceasefire and talks in Ukraine
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