EU Budget 2013. Financial Report. Also covering the Multiannual Financial Framework 2007-2013

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 978-92-79-37837-9
ISSN 1830-7280
EC KV-AI-14-001-EN-C
Content Type

This report contains four sections: overview, revenue, expenditure and annexes.

Section I presents an overview of EU finances in 2013. It introduces the Multiannual Financial Framework 2007-13 (MFF) — the EU’s long term financial planning, including its role and structure and the specific steps of the 2013 annual budgetary procedure. The section ends with a short description of the way the EU budget is managed.

Section II provides information on the budget revenue and describes the EU budget’s own resources. It also explains a number of particularities such as the UK correction and other rebates, other revenue, donations and fines.

Section III represents the main part of the report, covering the expenditure from the EU budget grouped by area of spending (heading) according to the 2007-13 MFF. The text includes information on the main programmes as well as on the expenditure allocations by Member State. As 2013 was the last year of MFF 2007-13, this section covers the whole seven year period and provides a comprehensive overview of the main programmes and projects financed from EU budgets over the past years. It clearly demonstrates the extraordinary achievements reached thanks to EU funding during that period. Many success stories of this time will help you understand more the important role the EU budgets played in the difficult period of economic crisis and budgetary constraints.

Section IV includes six annexes which provide detailed information, with figures and charts on the past multiannual financial frameworks 2000–06 and 2007–13.

The annexes also show the expenditure and revenue by heading, source type and Member State, for the period 2000–13. The methodology and calculation of the operating budgetary balances is presented in Annex 3. Recoveries and financial corrections are detailed in Annex 4, while Annex 5 summarises the borrowing and lending activities. The last annex is a glossary with the main terminology of the report explained in plain language

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