EU communications law

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 2002
ISBN 1-902558-50-2
Content Type

Book abstract:

The field of communications is continually expanding. This book examines and explains how forthcoming EU directives will effect communications law throughout the Member States. Although the writers point out that the directives are currently sector specific, and represent only an intermediate stage before, as is predicted, communications legislation will be dealt with by a general competition law, they are complex and confusing. The book sets out to clarify this problem.

Chapter one provides an introduction to the new European Framework governing the area of communications. Chapter two deals with the relationship between telecommunications and competition law, and chapter three delves further into the problem of the framework, including discussions on regulatory authorities, resource management, market analysis and standardisation. In chapter four, there is an examination of 'The Authorisation Directive', which incorporates questions of rights in telecommunications, conditions and infringements, while chapter five probes access and interconnection. Chapter six looks at issues surrounding universal service, regulatory controls and end-user rights, and chapter seven concludes with a study in data protection.

The book contains both a glossary of technical terms and a list of useful websites.

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