EU industrial structure 2011. Trends and performance

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 978-92-79-20733-4
ISSN 1831-3043
EC NB-BL-11-001-EN-C
Content Type

The production of EU industrial structure is a response to the increasing interest in analysing the competitiveness of the EU economy from a sectoral perspective. This publication provides insight into the relative performance of individual industries, and contributes to explaining the competitiveness of the EU economy at large. The publication covers market sectors, from mining to market services, although, wherever necessary, it refers to the whole economy, including primary sectors and non-market services. The work is empirical and data oriented and consists of the creation and analysis of a system of statistical indicators on various facets of sectoral performance and competitiveness. The indicators cover fields of relevance to gain insight into the economics and policy issues of EU sectors.

The publication applies the same set of indicators to all sectors and uses input–output data to go beyond the analysis of individual sectors separately buy capturing sectoral interrelations, such as those between manufacturing and services sectors. From a geographical point of view the publication covers the EU-27 as a whole and individual Member States and it also makes comparisons with other countries, such as the US, Japan and BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), wherever possible. The 2011 edition of EU industrial structure covers the following topics: the recent economic downturn and its fragile recovery, EU sectoral structure, EU sectoral growth and the international competitiveness of EU industry. This publication follows the path laid by EU sectoral competitiveness indicators (2005) and EU industrial structure 2007 and EU industrial structure 2009.

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