Author (Corporate) | Council of the European Union |
Publisher | General Secretariat of the Council |
Publication Date | 11/11/2019 |
Content Type | News, Overview |
Summary: The 15th meeting of the EU-Uzbekistan Cooperation Council was held on 11 November 2019. Further information: The Cooperation Council took stock of developments in relations between the European Union (EU) and Uzbekistan over the past year. There was a discussion on the country's reform programme, and on issues relating to the rule of law, trade, investment and energy relations, and international issues. The Cooperation Council also discussed questions of good governance and the role of civil society, as well as measures to improve the business climate in Uzbekistan. The EU welcomed progress in Uzbekistan’s application to join the WTO and to seek GSP+ membership (EU General System of Preferences that unilaterally grants duty-free access for most goods). Human rights questions were also discussed. The Cooperation Council took note of the good progress in negotiations for a new Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Uzbekistan, launched in November 2018. The EU's Central Asia Strategy was also discussed, as well as the work to implement the EU's Europe-Asia Connectivity Strategy. Finally, the Cooperation Council also exchanged views on other current political and security issues. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Subject Tags | Bilateral Relations |
Countries / Regions | Uzbekistan |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |