European noise at work summit: ‘Stop that noise!’

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.16
Publication Date 06/11/2006
ISBN 92-95007-93-X
ISSN 1681-4398
EC TE-75-06-897-EN-C
Content Type


The 2005 noise at work summit was jointly organised by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and the United Kingdom Presidency of the European Union as the culmination of the 2005 'Stop that noise!' campaign on the eve of the 2003 noise directive coming into force. EU policymakers, social partners and leading safety and health experts met to consider worker protection from occupational noise and to reward organisations that have already managed to implement effective solutions.

The summit aimed to give stakeholders an opportunity to discuss challenges and future strategies for a better control of noise at work and to provide an overview of the different measures and good practices applied across Europe to tackle this issue, with a view to the implementation of the 2003 noise directive in Member States.

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Related Links
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work: Forum: No.16, 2006 (pdf)

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Countries / Regions