Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Agriculture and Rural Development, TNS Opinion & Social |
Publisher | European Commission: DG Communication |
Series Title | Special Eurobarometer |
Series Details | Number 440 |
Publication Date | January 2016 |
ISBN | 978-92-79-54246-6 |
EC | KF-02-15-957-EN-N |
Content Type | Report, Statistics |
Summary: Special Eurobarometer published by the European Commission in January 2016 on attitudes across the European Union (EU) on matters relating to agriculture and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Further information: There is broad support among Europeans for the contribution of the CAP to the European Commission's top priorities - according to this survey - with nearly half of the respondents considering the role of the CAP 'very important' for stimulating jobs and growth and for supporting the role of the farmer in the food chain. Other responses highlight the importance for the future that the general public puts on agriculture and rural areas (>90%) and confirm the trend from previous surveys which shows increasing concern for agriculture and rural areas as well as improved awareness of the CAP. |
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Subject Categories | Business and Industry |
Subject Tags | Agriculture, Common Agricultural Policy [CAP] |
Keywords | Public Opinion |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |