Ex-post economic evaluation of competition policy enforcement: A review of the literature

Author (Person) ,
Author (Corporate)
Publication Date June 2015
ISBN KD-02-15-397-EN-N
EC KD-02-15-397-EN-N
Content Type


Over the past decade competition authorities (CAs) and academic researchers have become increasingly interested in conducting ex-post economic evaluations of competition policy enforcement actions. The scepticism expressed at the end of 1990s by some academics about the benefits of competition policy was a catalyst for CAs to start evaluating their activities.

Robust ex-post evaluations of competition policy decisions allow demonstrating more convincingly the benefits of competition policy in terms of better functioning markets and an increase in well-being of consumers. Moreover, they support enforcement practice by improving the quality of decisions taken. Given this increased interest in the evaluation of competition policy, this paper reviews the academic literature on and the experience of CAs with ex-post economic evaluations of competition policy with a view to summarising what we have learnt so far and what are areas for further research.

Source Link https://dx.doi.org/10.2763/83196
Alternative sources
  • http://bookshop.europa.eu/uri?target=EUB:NOTICE:KD-02-15-397-EN-N
  • http://ec.europa.eu/competition/publications/reports/expost_evaluation_competition_policy_en.pdf
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Ex post evaluation of competition policy enforcement. What can we learn from the literature and from the experience of Competition Authorities? https://www.europeansources.info/record/ex-post-evaluation-of-competition-policy-enforcement-what-can-we-learn-from-the-literature-and-from-the-experience-of-competition-authorities/

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