Extraordinary meeting of EU Heads of State or Government on Ukraine, Brussels, 6 March 2014 / Crimean MPs vote to become part of Russia

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 06.03.14
Publication Date 06/03/2014
Content Type

Reports of, and external reaction to, the situation in Ukraine covering the 6 March 2014 after Russia had taken effective control of the Crimea region within Ukraine ostensibly to protect its citizens and interests [for the background to the situation and developments in the previous days see the ESO: Background Information links below].

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, convened an extraordinary meeting of EU Heads of State or Government on the 6 March 2014 to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

The EU Heads of State or Government discussed the latest developments in Ukraine and how to facilitate the necessary de-escalation of the situation. EurActiv highlighted Europe's high dependency on Russian gas imports as an important feature to be taken into account.

Also attending the meeting was Ukraine’s interim Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk in a symbolic act of support by the EU.

Following the European Council summit, the EU said it was suspending talks with Moscow on easing visa travel restrictions on Russians entering the EU. EurActiv reported on the 11 March 2014 that while Poland was pushing for the EU to offer EU membership perspectives to Ukraine, France denied that possibility.

It said that if Russia did not move to de-escalate the situation quickly, it would 'decide on additional measures, such as travel bans, asset freezes and the cancellation of the EU-Russia summit'.

On the same day, MPs in the Crimea parliament voted to ask Russia to allow the southern Ukrainian region to become part of the Russian Federation. The Supreme Council of Crimea decided to hold a referendum on the matter on the 16 March 2014, a move Ukraine’s election commission had said was unconstitutional.

The EU and US both joined Ukraine's government in condemning as 'illegal' the move by the Crimea region.
(see separate record accessible via the related url hyperlink 'Crimean MPs vote to become part of Russia' below for further information).

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen also told Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arsenii Yatseniuk on the 6 March 2014 that 'in these difficult moments, NATO stands by Ukraine. NATO stands by the right of every nation to decide its own future. NATO stands by Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and by the fundamental principles of international law'.

Source Link http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/meetings/european-council/2014/03/06/
Related Links
Spiegel Online International, 05.03.14: Ukraine Crisis: EU Concerned about Cost of Sanctions on Russia http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/eu-concerned-about-potential-high-cost-of-sanctions-on-russia-a-957101.html
ESO: Key Source: Euromaidan - Protests in Ukraine 2013 - 2015 - Key source http://www.europeansources.info/record/euromaidan-protests-in-ukraine-2013-2015/
ESO: Background information: Diplomatic efforts continue in earnest to end Crimea crisis http://www.europeansources.info/record/diplomatic-efforts-continue-in-earnest-to-end-crimea-crisis/
EurActiv, 06.03.14: EU summit rolls out red carpet for Ukraine's Yatsenyuk http://www.euractiv.com/europes-east/eu-summit-lays-red-carpet-yatsen-news-533945
BBC News, 06.03.14: Ukraine crisis: EU leaders to hold emergency talks http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26461426
EurActiv, 06.03.14: Despite EU efforts, natural gas remains Russia’s trump card http://www.euractiv.com/central-europe/gas-remains-russia-key-card-euro-news-533930
EUObserver, 06.03.14: EU not expected to impose tough sanctions on Russia http://euobserver.com/foreign/123374
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The New York Times, 06.03.14: As E.U. Meets, Crimea Moves to Hold Vote on Joining Russia http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/07/world/europe/ukraine.html
European Commission: RAPID: SPEECH/14/190: Remarks by President Barroso following the extraordinary meeting of EU Heads of State and Government on Ukraine http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-14-190_en.pdf
RIA Novosti, 06.03.14: Ukraine PM Says Crimea Breakaway Referendum is 'Illegitimate' http://en.ria.ru/russia/20140306/188150810/Ukraine-PM-Says-Crimea-Breakaway-Referendum-is-Illegitimate.html
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European Council: Press Release, 06.03.14: Statement of the Heads of State or Government on Ukraine Brussels, 6 March 2014 http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/141372.pdf
European Council: President: Press Release, 06.03.14: Remarks by President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy following the extraordinary meeting of EU Heads of State or Government on Ukraine http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/141373.pdf
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NATO: News, 06.03.14: Secretary General assures Ukrainian Prime Minister that NATO stands by Ukraine http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/news_107841.htm
OSCE: Press Release, 06.03.14: Developing situation in Crimea alarming, says OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities http://www.osce.org/hcnm/116180
OSCE: Press Release, 06.03.14: Personal Envoy Guldimann says situation in Crimea calm but very tense http://www.osce.org/cio/116181
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Russia: President of Russia: News, 07.03.14: Telephone conversation with US President Barack Obama http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/6777
EurActiv, 07.03.14: Putin and Obama discuss Ukraine and ‘Realpolitik’ http://www.euractiv.com/global-europe/putin-obama-discuss-ukraine-real-news-533977
US: White House: Briefing Room: Statements and Releases, 06.03.14: Readout of President Obama’s call with President Putin of Russia http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/03/06/readout-president-obama-s-call-president-putin-russia
EUObserver, 06.03.14: Ukraine PM, EU leaders taking soft line on Crimea http://euobserver.com/foreign/123378
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ESO: Background information: Crimean MPs vote to become part of Russia http://www.europeansources.info/record/crimean-mps-vote-to-become-part-of-russia/
EurActiv, 11.03.14: France denies EU membership perspective to Kyiv http://www.euractiv.com/europes-east/france-denied-eu-membership-kyiv-news-534053

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