Financial services in London: Global opportunities and challenges

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 22/03/2006
ISBN 1-84532-155-3
Content Type

London is one of the world’s leading international financial centres, and the UK Government’s objective is for it to be even more successful. This paper describes why this is a realistic objective, given the significant leads that London has in key international financial markets and the unparalleled opportunities for London’s markets in the context of global economic integration and growth. It also examines why, to realise fully the benefits of globalisation for the sector, the financial services industry and Government need to work together, and outlines the steps that will be taken to ensure that London’s competitive advantages are strengthened.

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Related Links
United Kingdom: HM Treasury: Budget 2006: Press Notice: No.4, 22.3.06
United Kingdom: HM Treasury: Budget 2006

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