Foreign policy, defence and development: a future partnership paper

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details September 2017
Publication Date 12/09/2017
Content Type

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The United Kingdom's commitment to European security would remain steadfast, and we would seek to agree new arrangements that enabled the country to sustain close UK-EU cooperation that would allow us to tackle shared threats.

The UK therefore envisaged cooperation on external action to be central to the future partnership, complementing broader national security and law enforcement collaboration to tackle complex, multi-faceted threats.

The UK remained committed to working with and alongside the EU and third countries by contributing policy tools and expertise, defence and security capabilities, global networks and influence, and development spend to support peace and security.The United Kingdom government issued on the 12 September 2017 the ninth of a series of papers putting forward its negotiating position on the UK’s future partnership with the European Union (EU). It was published in the context of the negotiations being undertaken with the EU for the UK to leave the union following the Brexit referendum vote of June 2016.

This paper discussed options for foreign policy, defence and development collaboration in the proposed future partnership between the European Union and the United Kingdom.

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United Kingdom: Department for Exiting the European Union: News, 12.09.17: UK offers deep security partnership with EU post-Brexit in the face of growing global threats
Politico, 12.09.17: UK shows its (upper) hand on security
The Guardian, 12.09.17: UK offers to maintain defence and security cooperation with EU
The Telegraph, 12.09.17: Military veterans fear 'EU ambush' over post-Brexit defence co-operation with UK
Blog: Open Europe, 12.09.17: UK has much to offer EU on foreign and security policy but needs to spell out how it will work
The Conversation, 15.09.17: Defence: can Britannia ride the waves in choppy European seas?
ESO: In Focus: Brexit - The United Kingdom and the European Union
ELN: Commentary, 14.11.17: Leaning in or stepping back? British strategy towards CSDP post-Brexit
Carnegie Europe: Strategic Europe, 01.08.17: Toward a Post-Brexit Defense Partnership
National Institute Economic Review No.238, November 2016: The UK and EU foreign, security and defence policy after Brexit: integrated, associated or detached
Blog: EU Law Analysis, 25.09.17: UK/EU Security Cooperation After Brexit: the UK Government’s Future Partnership Papers

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