Framework and instruments of the European Union in the field of drugs

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2002
ISBN 92-894-1927-X
EC KA-41-01-309-EN-C
Content Type

The European institutions pay great attention to the problems of drugs. In this they reflect the general concern expressed at all levels, from the general public to specialised international organisations. To supply effective solutions to this scourge, the institutions have opted for a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach tackling the question from every angle: demand reduction, supply reduction, repression of illicit trafficking and international action.

This strategy obviously integrates at various complementary levels: within the framework of Community powers (public health, precursor control, money laundering, development aid for non-member countries), within the framework of close cooperation between Member States (foreign policy, justice and home affairs), or within the framework of partnership with numerous international organisations.

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International Organisations