Future customs arrangements: a future partnership paper

Author (Corporate) ,
Series Title
Series Details August 2017
Publication Date 15/08/2017
Content Type

The United Kingdom government issued on the 15 August 2017 the first of a series of papers putting forward its negotiating position on the UK’s future partnership with the European Union (EU). It was published in the context of the negotiations being undertaken with the EU for the UK to leave the union following the Brexit referendum vote of June 2016.

This paper set out proposals for a future customs relationship with the EU.

It suggested two broad approaches:

+ A highly streamlined customs arrangement between the UK and the EU, with customs requirements that were as frictionless as possible. This would aim to continue some existing arrangements the UK had with the EU, reduce or remove barriers to trade through new arrangements, and adopt technology-based solutions to make it easier for businesses to comply with customs procedures.

+ A new customs partnership with the EU by aligning the UK's approach to the customs border in a way that removed the need for a UK-EU customs border. One potential approach would involve the UK mirroring the EU’s requirements for imports from the rest of the world where the final destination was the EU.

The paper also set out new details on an interim period with the EU. The proposed model, which would mean close association with the EU Customs union for a time-limited period, would ensure that UK businesses only have to adjust once to a new customs relationship. This would minimise disruption and offering business a smooth and orderly transition.

Keir Starmer, the Labour Party Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, commenting on the Government’s proposals, said: 'The Government’s proposals are ambiguous, unachievable and offer no viable solutions'.

Source Link Link to Main Source https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/future-customs-arrangements-a-future-partnership-paper
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