Gender in sport

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 26/01/2017
ISBN 978-92-9493-630-1
Content Type

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an autonomous body of the European Union, established to contribute to and strengthen the promotion of gender equality, including gender mainstreaming in all EU policies and the resulting national policies, and the fight against discrimination based on sex, as well as to raise EU citizens’ awareness of gender equality.

The seat of the European Institute for Gender Equality is in Vilnius (Lithuania). It was officially launched in June 2010. From a gender perspective, sport exemplifies a societal and cultural process in which the social construction of femininity and masculinity plays a key role in influencing behaviours and approaches. A number of practical barriers to women’s participation in sport still exist.

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EIGE: 26.01.17: Gender in sport

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