Global energy price inflation with a European twist

Author (Person) ,
Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details PE 733.997
Publication Date November 2022
ISBN 978-92-846-9933-9
EC QA-03-22-148-EN-N
Content Type


Inflation has always had a strong global component, driven mostly by volatile energy prices. However, the unprecedented levels of inflation reached now cannot in all cases be explained by unprecedented energy prices – except for the euro area where gas prices have had a special impact. The international spill-over effects of national monetary policy are of uncertain sign. United States tightening has a negative impact abroad, especially in emerging economies because of the dominant role of the US dollar in global financial markets. Euro area tightening might have a positive impact on the US economy because a stronger euro helps, even if only marginally, other exporters.

Further information:

This paper was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) ahead of the Monetary Dialogue with the ECB President on 28 November 2022.

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