Social Europe Magazine | Number 1/91 (Supplement)

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details Supplement 1/91, Number 1
Publication Date 1991
ISBN 92-826-2264-9
ISSN 1027-6440
EC CE-NC-91-001-EN-C
Content Type ,

Immigration of citizens from third countries into the southern Member States of the European Community. A comparative survey of the situation in Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal


This is a summary report on dimensions and effects of the immigration from non-European countries to Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. It was ordered at the beginning of 1989 by the European Commission. It is based on four individual national monographs dating from June 1989. For that reason, this report did not take into account the changes made since the updating (e.g. Italy) of pertinent legislation, or the movements taking place in Central and Eastern Europe.

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Countries / Regions , , , ,
International Organisations