In-depth reform of the healthcare system in Finland

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.34/2016 (June 2016)
Publication Date June 2016
Content Type

The ESPN Flash Reports are produced by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) established in 2014 to provide the European Commission with independent information, analysis and expertise on social policies. The topics presented in the Flash Reports are identified by ESPN experts in the light of significant developments in their countries, or in some cases suggested by the Commission.

The ESPN is managed by LISER and APPLICA, with the support of OSE - European Social Observatory. For more information, please visit this website.
Social welfare and healthcare, as well as regional administration, will be totally reformed in Finland in the next years. The centre-right government will unify all public services of social welfare and healthcare, introduce freedom of choice between public and private primary care and abolish the present multi-channel funding in healthcare. New legislation is under preparation and is to be adopted in the autumn of 2016.

Author: Laura Kalliomaa-Puha and Olli Kangas

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Countries / Regions