Integration of third-country nationals in the EU – Relevant support from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund but its impact could not yet be demonstrated

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 26/2024, Number 26
Publication Date December 2024
ISBN 978-92-849-3361-7
ISSN 1977-5679
EC QJ-01-24-012-EN-Q
Content Type


The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) is one of the ways the EU supports migrant integration measures. Our audit assessed whether the use of AMIF support by the Commission and the member states was sound and effective. We carried out audit visits in Germany, Spain, France, and Sweden, and found that support from the Fund played a relevant role in the integration of third-country nationals in the EU, but that its impact could not yet be demonstrated. We also found there to be a risk that the Fund’s added value was limited by its administrative complexity. We make four recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of future actions in the area of migrant integration.

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