The digitalisation of the European Union: repercussions and expectations

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Series Details Number 131
Publication Date September 2022
ISSN 2013-035X
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From technology platforms and artificial intelligence to Fintech, cybersecurity, the gig economy and social networks, the digital society is already a fully defined and implemented reality. In this context, the digital development of the European Union (EU) has reached a crucial stage: from a range of perspectives the decisions and regulations adopted on this issue in the near future will significantly affect the whole of the EU, including the lives of its citizens and beyond.

Issue 131 of Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals analyses the process of digitalising the EU. Its multidisciplinary approach – taking in the fields of labour, security, information and politics, among others – helps understand the phenomenon, while also contributing to its scientific dissemination and encouraging critical thinking with the aim of achieving a fair, inclusive and competitive digital society.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction. The digitalisation of the European Union: repercussions and expectations | Tanel Kerikmäe & David Ramiro Troitiño
  • European Union institutions’ strategy for facing the challenge of digitalisation | David Ramiro Troitiño
  • Managing complexity: the EU’s contribution to artificial intelligence governance | Alexander Antonov
  • Cybersecurity in the era of hypercompetitiveness: can the EU meet the new challenges? | Malthe Munkøe
  • Fintech regulation in the European Union: trends and blurred lines | Janika Aben & Paula Etti
  • Gig economy workers in the European Union: towards change in their legal classification | Tanel Kerikmäe & Aleksi Kajander
  • Information disorder in the European Union: building a regulatory response | Carme Colomina Saló Susana Pérez-Soler & Susana Pérez-Soler
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International Organisations