Investing in people. EU funding for employment and social inclusion

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details Volume 7
Publication Date June 2014
ISBN 978-92-79-38143-0
ISSN 1977-2343
EC KE-BC-14-001-EN-N
Content Type


The Social Europe guide is a bi-annual publication aimed at providing an interested but not necessarily specialised audience with a concise overview of specific areas of EU policy in the field of employment, social affairs and inclusion. It illustrates the key issues and challenges, explains policy actions and instruments at EU level and provides examples of best practices from EU Member States. It also presents views on the subject from the Council Presidency and the European Parliament.

Volume 7 focuses on EU funding instruments used to help people into employment or out of poverty and social exclusion. The guide outlines the aims and objectives of four specific funds: the European Social Fund (ESF); the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD); the EU programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI); and the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). There is a particular focus on priorities for the EU’s new financial period, which runs from 2014-2020, and on how these funds will support Europe 2020, the EU’s economic strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

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