Japan’s policy shift: arms and transfers

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details No.41, November 2016
Publication Date 09/11/2016
ISSN 2315-1129
Content Type

Japan’s re-emergence as a ‘proactive contributor to peace’, in line with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s new foreign and security policy, is gradually acquiring a more concrete form. When Japan lifted its historic ban on arms exports in April 2014, many were pessimistic about its capacity to become a fully-fledged actor in the arms market, given its lack of experience, especially after Tokyo’s failed bid to sell its Soryu-class submarines to Australia.

Realising the bumpy road ahead, Japan is now targeting more realistic, near-term arms transfers in two ways: by strengthening military ties with countries in South and South-East Asia, and by deepening cooperation with the US and its allies through technology transfers.

Source Link https://publications.europa.eu/s/dfq5
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