Joint Communication on a Joint Framework on countering hybrid threats: a European Union response

Author (Corporate) ,
Series Details JOIN (2016) 18
Publication Date 06/04/2016
Content Type


Joint Communication published by the European Commission and the European External Action Service (EEAS) in April 2016, on countering hybrid threats and fostering the resilience of the European Union, its Member States and partner countries.

Further information:

This Joint Framework brings together existing policies and proposes 22 operational actions aimd at raising awareness, building resilience, preventing, responding and recovering from crises. It also aims at stepping up the cooperation between the European Union (EU) and partner organisations, including NATO.

The Communication was published as a follow-up to an invitation from the Council of the European Union for a framework with actionable proposals to be presented. This Joint Communication aims at facilitating a holistic approach that enables the EU, in coordination with Member States, to specifically counter threats of a hybrid nature by creating synergies between all relevant instruments and fostering close cooperation between all relevant actors. The actions build on existing strategies and sectoral policies that contribute to achieving greater security.

The Council of the European Union adopted a set of conclusions relating to this Joint Framework on 19 April.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: Press Release, 06/04/2016: Security: EU strengthens response to hybrid threats
European Commission: Fact Sheet, 06/04/2016: FAQ: Joint Framework on countering hybrid threats
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 19/04/2016: Council conclusions on countering hybrid threats

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International Organisations