Juncker: no time for business as usual?

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details No.15/2016 (05.02.16)
Publication Date 05/02/2016
Content Type

The Elcano Royal Institute is a think-tank for international and strategic studies that analyses world events and trends from a Spanish, European and global perspective.

The Analyses of the Elcano Royal Institute (ARI)are short pieces - of around 3,000 words - on aspects of current international affairs considered to be of relevance to Spain, its foreign policy or its security. In broad terms ARIs are intended to have a predictive bearing on events.Jean-Claude Juncker took office as President of the European Commission almost two years ago. The balance to date has been overshadowed by a string of crises that have called into question the viability of the European project itself.

How is the new European Commission, led by Jean-Claude Juncker, facing up to the numerous crises that are besetting the EU?

Source Link http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/d42047004b924fcb9281db079a57a845/ARI15-2016-Llaudes-Juncker-no-time-for-business-as-usual.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=d42047004b924fcb9281db079a57a845
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