Juncker’s health team hits June swoon

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Series Title
Series Details 03.06.15
Publication Date 03/06/2015
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Politico reported in June 2015 that consumer groups were revolting against the European Commission as they accused it of being too compliant with health-related industries.

Several topics are given as examples:

+ The European Commission's decision to revive the high-level forum on the food supply chain. According to consumer groups, the EC omitted any mention of food safety, nutrition and health or the environment, which had been prominent in the past. Instead, it concentrated on competitiveness, with just a passing reference to 'sustainability.'

+ European public health organizations pulled out from another Commission liaison body, the EU alcohol and health forum. Again, the complaint was regarding the focus on industry concerns.

+ The European Commission received a letter from Europe’s leading public health organization warning against viewing social and health policies in isolation.

Source Link http://www.politico.eu/article/junckers-health-team-hits-june-swoon/
Related Links
ESO: Background information: Health experts wary of commission reshuffle http://www.europeansources.info/record/health-experts-wary-of-commission-reshuffle/

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