Law and institutions of the European Union, 7th ed.

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 2001
ISBN 0-406-90186-4
Content Type

Book abstract:

This book looks at the role and powers of the European Communities and the relationship between Community law and the municipal law of the Member States. This is an updated version of the book to include the Treaties of Amsterdam and Nice. The aim of the book is to provide an introduction to the law governing the institutions of the European Union as well as the organisation's substantive law.

The book has five parts. Part 1, The Nature of the European Union and of Community Law provides the background to the topic, looking at the history and evolution of the EC before looking at the sources and nature of Community law. Part 2, The Law of the Institutions, examines the roles of the European Council, the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, ancillary institutions and the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. Part 3, The Relationship between Community Law and the Municipal law of the Member States, has chapters on the implementation of Community law, its enforcement and a chapter on Community law in the UK. Part 4, The Law of the Economy, covers in detail EC trade law, the free movement of goods and of workers, the right of establishment, social security and freedom of movement of capital and payments. The final part examines the main EU policies concerning subjects such as economic and monetary union, agriculture and fisheries, competition, the environment and consumer protection.

K.P.E. Lasok of Monkton Chambers, Grays Inn, is a Barrister and Recorder.

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