Leaving the European Union: The Arts

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details LLN 2018/0099 (04.10.18)
Publication Date 04/10/2018
Content Type

This House of Lords Library Briefing was prepared in advance of the debate due to take place on 11 October 2018 in the House of Lords on the motion moved by Lord Bragg (Labour), 'that this House takes note of the impact on the arts of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union'.

It focused on three areas connected with the UK’s withdrawal from the EU:

+ funding for the arts and cultural sector in the UK
+ free movement of people and the immigration regime
+ copyright law.

Source Link Link to Main Source http://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/LLN-2018-0099/LLN-2018-0099.pdf
Related Links
United Kingdom: Parliament: House of Lords: Library http://www.parliament.uk/business/lords/work-of-the-house-of-lords/lords-library/
United Kingdom: House of Lords: Select Committee on the European Union: 19th Report (2017-19)HL182: Brexit: movement of people in the cultural sector http://www.europeansources.info/record/brexit-movement-of-people-in-the-cultural-sector/
ESO: In Focus: Brexit - The United Kingdom and the European Union http://www.europeansources.info/record/brexit-the-united-kingdom-and-the-european-union/

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