Left without a Future? Social Justice in Anxious Times

Author (Person)
Publication Date 2013
ISBN 978-1-7807666-07
Content Type

Left without a Future? poses a simple question: despite the failure of neo-liberalism, why has the left failed to provide an alternative that resonates? In a context of enormous social and economic change, the centre-left has not found a convincing new governing statecraft. Now it must seek to create a practical new vision in anxious rather than prosperous times.

Anthony Painter argues that the crash marked an end of an era for the left as well as the neo-liberal right. It has yet to adapt to this moment in a convincing way: either resting on old orthodoxies or pursuing new approaches such as Blue Labour that don’t answer the needs of the time. The centre-left should instead look at cultivating a new suite of practical institutions to take on concentrations of power in the market, state and society – creating greater social justice in the process. Left without a Future? is a manifesto for institutional change in finance, business, labour markets, welfare, public services, education, political parties, democracy, and much else besides.

As social democrats across Europe seek to find a renewed legitimacy for their cause, Left without a Future? is a major contribution to debates that are taking place on the centre-left – and across politics.

Source Link http://www.ibtauris.com/
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