Long term action plan for better implementation and enforcement of single market rules

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2020) 94
Publication Date 10/03/2020
Content Type


Communication published on 10 March 2020 by the European Commission, setting out an Action Plan for Better Implementation and Enforcement of single market rules which aims at addressing obstacles that arise from violations of EU law.

Further information:

A well-functioning single market allows citizens across the European Union (EU) to enjoy a wider choice of services and products and better job opportunities. The single market gives EU economic operators a large domestic market, stimulating trade and competition, and improving efficiency. To make the single market work for all, EU law puts in place common rules to eliminate barriers and facilitate the circulation of goods and services across the EU, while also protecting consumers. These rules can only deliver the intended effects if they are properly designed and enforced. However, compliance with single market rules falls short.

This document was published as part of the Industrial Policy Package, which is led by a Communication on a 'New Industrial Strategy for Europe'. The Strategy puts the single market at its core, as one of the fundamentals of Europe's industrial transformation. The package of initiatives also includes a Communication on barriers to the single market, which identifies a series of obstacles and highlights incorrect or incomplete application as one of the root causes.

The Action Plan is based on a renewed partnership between Member States and Commission in their shared responsibility to ensure that single market rules are properly enforced and applied. It includes the launch of a Joint Task Force of the Commission and Member States to strengthen cooperation on enforcement of single market rules.

Source Link https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM:2020:94:FIN
Alternative sources
  • https://ec.europa.eu/info/files/commission-communication-long-term-action-plan-better-implementation-and-enforcement-single-market-rules
Related Links
European Commission: Press Release, 10/03/2020: Making Europe's businesses future-ready: A new Industrial Strategy for a globally competitive, green and digital Europe https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_416
European Commission: Questions & Answers: European Industrial Strategy Package (10 March 2020) https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/qanda_20_418

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