Series Title | European Voice |
Series Details | Vol.7, No.41, 8.11.01, p3 |
Publication Date | 08/11/2001 |
Content Type | News |
Date: 08/11/01 THE EU delegation at the COP 7 climate change talks in Marrakech has won agreement on operational rules to implement the Bonn accord. A compliance system in support of the Kyoto Protocol was agreed on 6 November after an instrumental role was played by the EU delegation, headed by Belgian minister Olivier Deleuze. Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström, also at the talks, said: "We are here in Marrakech to finish a job. Some intense negotiations still lie ahead, though. "The tragic events of 11 September emphasise the need for coordinated, multilateral responses on issues which are impossible for countries to solve individually. Climate change is one such very crucial issue." The EU delegation at the COP-7 climate change talks in Marrakech has won agreement on operational rules to implement the Bonn accord. |
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Subject Categories | Environment |