Merkel backs China in EU trade row

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Series Title
Series Details 28.05.13
Publication Date 28/05/2013
Content Type

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that she would do her utmost to avoid an EU-China trade war over subsidies for solar panels and wireless equipment as she welcomed the new Chinese Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, in Berlin on 26 May 2013.

The European Commission was considering to impose import duties on Chinese solar panel and wireless device companies for exporting products to the European market that are artificially kept cheap thanks to subsidies from the Chinese government.

However, EurActiv reported on the 28 May 2013 that aA majority of EU governments were opposing such a plan, undermining efforts by Brussels to pressure Beijing over its trade practices.

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Related Links
ESO: Background Information: Merkel backs China in EU trade row
ESO: Background Information: Escalating EU-China trade row over solar panels
BBC News, 28.05.13: Half of EU members 'oppose China solar tariffs'
ESO: Background Information: Solar power installations fall in Europe as PV market shifts
EurActiv, 27.05.13: Merkel, Li want to end solar trade row
EurActiv, 28.05.13: De Gucht faces growing opposition over duties for Chinese solar panels
EurActiv, 29.05.13: EU trade chief vows no U-turn in solar panel row with China
Le Monde, 29.05.13: Beijing sows discord among Europeans (via PressEurop)

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