Migrants, minorities and employment – Exclusion and discrimination in the 27 Member States of the European Union (Update 2003-2008)

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date July 2011
ISBN 978-92-9192-497-4
EC TK-30-09-253-EN-C
Content Type


The 2003-2008 update on the exclusion and discrimination of migrants, minorities and employment in the 27 EU Member States provides a comparative overview and analysis of data and information documenting discrimination in the workplaces and labour markets across the European Union.

The report highlights developments that occurred between 2003 and 2008, and assesses the lack of data with a view to developing strategies to improve data availability and comparability at EU level. While the total number of complaints of discrimination reported and processed has increased as a direct consequence of the implementation of the Equality Directives in the EU Member States, there are still barriers for victims that need to be reduced.

It also highlights persistent patterns of inequality between migrants and minority groups in the labour market and the overall majority populations, in particular migrant and minority women face significant structural disadvantages in the labour market. Considerable research on employment discrimination has been carried out over recent years, and this provides ample evidence to identify discrimination as an important factor leading to inequality for migrants and minorities. The causes of labour market inequality are complex and structural and it would be naïve to expect radical changes within short periods of time or immediate large-scale changes in response to policy  measures addressing inequality in employment. As a corollary, policy measures addressing inequality in employment need to follow a comprehensive approach and address different dimensions contributing to vulnerability in employment.

Source Link https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2011/migrants-minorities-and-employment-exclusion-and-discrimination-27-member-states
Alternative sources
  • https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/1696-pub-migrants-minorities-employment_EN.pdf
  • https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/e8026980-d30c-4f20-a325-579681c2480d/language-en
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