National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2016-17)HC-18
Publication Date 10/07/2016
Content Type ,

The United Kingdom Parliament (House of Commons and House of Lords) Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy published a report 'National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015' on the 10 July 2016.

The changed economic climate following the Brexit vote could see the defence budget reduced in real terms, said the report. The Committee found that Brexit could impact on the aspirations and capabilities set out in the 2015National Security Strategy. Economic contraction caused by Brexit could limit the ability of the armed forces to fulfil their role effectively.

Planning for a new security review, starting with a detailed analysis of the changed security environment, should begin immediately.

The European Union is facing significant security challenges, such as large-scale migration and an emerging domestic terrorist threat. These challenges also have implications for the UK, regardless of whether it is a member of the EU. A new security review must address how the UK will engage with these issues from outside the EU.

These Brexit-related concerns come on top of the Committee’s scepticism about the Government’s ability to fulfil the requirements of its defence planning. The Committee thinks it questionable whether Joint Force 2025 will meet the national security challenges faced by the UK.

The report goes on to say that despite the Government's commitment to maintain the size of the Regular Army at 82,000 and to increase the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force by a total of 700 Regular personnel, the manpower fielded by the UK armed forces is inadequate bearing in mind the range, complexity and potential concurrency of tasks expected of them. In addition, planned reductions in MOD civilian staff could undermine the effective use of the state-of-the-art equipment to be purchased as a result of the NSS & SDSR 2015.

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Related Links
United Kingdom: Parliament: House of Lords / House of Commons: Parliamentary Business: Committees: News, 10.07.16: Brexit vote could see defence budget reduced
ESO: Background information: National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015

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Countries / Regions