“No alternative to EU/ACP economic partnership agreements”, Peter Mandelson tells MEPs

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 6.11.07
Publication Date 06/11/2007
Content Type

There is no alternative to the economic partnership agreements (EPAs) with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries if the EU's development policy is to be made compatible with WTO rules, Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson told the European Parliament Development Committee on the 5 November 2007. MEPs quizzed him about the possibility of including a review clause in these agreements, which are due to be signed before the end of 2007.

Source Link http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/infopress_page/026-12643-309-11-45-903-20071105IPR12635-05-11-2007-2007-false/default_en.htm
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Countries / Regions