Opinion of the BIOHAZ Panel on: ‘A quantitative assessment of risk posed to humans by tissues of small ruminants in case BSE is present in these animal populations’

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 27/06/2005
Content Type ,

Following the suspected case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in a goat in France, which was subsequently confirmed, the European Commission requested that EFSA carry out a quantitative risk assessment on the risks posed to humans from goat meat and goat meat products. In its opinion published on 27 June 2005, the BIOHAZ Panel concluded that the likely prevalence of BSE in the wider EU goat population was very low, based on results of ongoing and also recently increased surveillance of the goat population put in place by the European Commission and on other data available to date. However, the Panel stated that its advice could be reviewed in the future pending availability of further surveillance and experimental data.

Source Link http://www.efsa.europa.eu/science/biohaz/biohaz_opinions/990_en.html
Related Links
European Food Safety Authority: Press Release, 28.6.05 http://www.efsa.europa.eu/press_room/press_release/995/pr_bse_goats_en1.pdf
European Food Safety Authority: Press Release, 27.6.05 http://www.efsa.europa.eu/press_room/press_release/995_en.html

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