Our Ocean Conference, 29-30 October 2018

Author (Person)
Publication Date 31/10/2018
Content Type


Republic of Indonesia hosted the fifth Our Ocean Conference in Bali on 29 and 30 October 2018, with the theme 'Our Ocean, Our Legacy', as it reflects the global choices and actions to maintain the sustainability of our oceans' resources and to preserve our ocean's health, as a heritage presented for our children and grandchildren.

287 targets were set, worth more than US$10 billion, mainly focused on marine protected areas (MPA). The European Union made 23 new commitments, representing around EUR 300 million and covering all six themes of Our Ocean. In addition, several EU Member States have their own commitments. They add up to the 35 commitments made by the EU in 2017. The commitments cover: blue economy, climate change impacts, marine pollution, marine Protection, and sustainable Fisheries.

Participants from countries across the globe, including governments, commercial sectors, financing entities, scientific communities, civil society organizations, and young leaders, were invited to influence the preservation of the oceans' health.

Source Link http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-18-6210_es.htm
Related Links
The Jakarta Post, 31.10.18: Our Ocean Conference ends with new confidence http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/10/31/our-ocean-conference-ends-with-new-confidence.html
EU: EEAS: News stories, 29.10.18: Our Ocean, Our Legacy... EU commits further EUR 300 million for clean, healthy and safe ocean https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/52102/our-ocean-our-legacy-eu-commits-further-eur-300-million-clean-healthy-and-safe-ocean_en
Our Ocean Conference Bali 2018 https://ourocean2018.org/

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