Partnerships: how are they changing?

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details December 2008
Publication Date December 2008
ISSN 0255-3813
Content Type

A series if features with the theme: 'Partnerships: how are they changing?'

It is no secret that the events of the summer of 2008 in Georgia led many non-NATO countries to reassess their positions.

In some countries, such as Finland, the debate over whether to make a move finally to join NATO came out into full public view, with the issue being discussed from editorial columns to coffee bars.

But the ramifications of the summer go much deeper than this. The key issue was that a globalised world means a more interconnected world in every sense. We can't just limit it to more open trade, more flows of information, or easier travel. John Donne's line nearly 400 years ago that 'no man is an island' rings truer today than it has ever done. For those who doubted this, the financial crisis followed closely on the Georgian crisis' heels.

Interlinked challenges required coordinated responses, something that the contributors to this edition of NATO Review highlight in their different countries.

This is where NATO comes in. Whether it be through increased partnerships, new members or even new connections, they all see NATO playing a role.

The main articles are as follows:

Partnership or membership for Finland?
Is NATO partnership still enough for Finland? Or is it time to move towards membership? Finland's Ambassador to NATO and the EU gives his thoughts on the debate in his country.

Montenegro, NATO and a new state’s security
Where's the guidebook for starting a new state's armed forces from scratch? Montenegro's defence minister outlines how his country managed - and NATO's role.

The Gulf and NATO: time to revisit relations
Is more cooperation with NATO the solution for small states dealing with big security issues? Abdulaziz Sager says yes for the Gulf States.

NATO needs to think twice about its future
A leading Chinese journalist gives his personal opinion on how his impression of NATO has changed. And gives some advice on how NATO should change.

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