Pilot project “Housing First”

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.2/2015 (February 2015)
Publication Date February 2015
Content Type

The ESPN Flash Reports are produced by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) established in 2014 to provide the European Commission with independent information, analysis and expertise on social policies. The topics presented in the Flash Reports are identified by ESPN experts in the light of significant developments in their countries, or in some cases suggested by the Commission.

The ESPN is managed by LISER and APPLICA, with the support of OSE - European Social Observatory. For more information, please visit this website.
The pilot project “housing first” started in October 2014 providing a stable home for 15 long-term homeless persons in a multi-problem situation. First impressions are positive; an evaluation will follow after two years. To make it successful in the long run, the government will have to intensify its efforts for more social housing at the bottom of the housing market.

Author: Hugo Swinnen

Source Link http://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=13674&langId=en
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