Political tension in Moldova over formation of government following parliamentary election

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Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2019
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Reports, analyses and information regarding the political uncertainty affecting Moldova following an inclusive parliamentary election.

Further information:

The legislative elections in Moldova in February 2019 produced a hung Parliament, by which no political party could form a majority to back the cabinet. Lengthy negotiations between parties were launched but to no successful result. Under the country's Constitution, political parties are given three months to form a government or the President is allowed to dissolve the Parliament and call for new elections.

On 8 June, the Socialist party and the ACUM platform announced a surprise agreement for a coalition government, led by Maia Sandu. On the same day, the Democratic party submitted a petition challenging the legitimacy of the proposed coalition cabinet. On 9 June, the Constitutional Court accepted the petition and temporarily relieved the country's President of his duties due to his refusal to dissolve the Parliament. Pavel Filip (Democratic party) was appointed interim President to sign a decree calling for a snap parliamentary election. The dispute over the post-election deadline and whether the coalition was created after it expired was at the core of the political crisis.

For a period, two rival governments issued orders in Moldova and accused each other of seizing power. The coalition cabinet was prevented by the parallel administration and its supporters to take office, despite the support received by the international community. The interim President eventually announced his resignation on 14 June, while still refusing to recognise the legitimacy of the coalition cabinet. The Constitutional Court later decided to reverse its initial decisions, which had first triggered the political crisis.

Related Links
Commentary and Analysis
The Moscow Times, 12/06/2019: Moldova Is the One Thing Russia and the West Agree On https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/06/12/moldova-is-the-one-thing-russia-and-the-west-agree-on-a65970
Deutsche Welle, 12/06/2019: Moldovan crisis a test case for Russia-US cooperation https://p.dw.com/p/3KIP0
Euro|Topics, June 2019: Two rival governments in Moldova https://www.eurotopics.net/en/221633/
The Economist, 15/06/2019: Russia and America both want Moldova’s ruling oligarch to go https://www.economist.com/europe/2019/06/15/russia-and-america-both-want-moldovas-ruling-oligarch-to-go
OSW: Analyses, 17/06/2019: End of the dual government in Moldova https://www.osw.waw.pl/en/publikacje/analyses/2019-06-17/end-dual-government-moldova
EurActiv, 18/06/2019: Main takeaways from the Moldovan political crisis https://www.euractiv.com/section/europe-s-east/opinion/main-takeaways-from-the-moldovan-political-crisis/
EUObserver, 19/06/2019: What's going on in Moldova - and what next? https://euobserver.com/opinion/145177
Carnegie Center: Commentary, 19/06/2019: Moldovan Regime Change Is Rare Example of Russian-Western Teamwork https://carnegie.ru/commentary/79333
Chatham House: Expert Comment, 19/06/2019: Can Moldova’s New Coalition Stick Together? https://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/can-moldova-s-new-coalition-stick-together
ECFR: Commentary, 21/06/2019: Moldova crisis: The first battle in the war for democracy https://www.ecfr.eu/article/commentary_moldova_crisis_the_first_battle_in_the_war_for_democracy

EurActiv, 03/06/2019: EU, Russia, US send envoys to Moldova as possible pro-Russian coalition emerges https://www.euractiv.com/section/enlargement/news/eu-russia-us-send-envoys-to-moldova-as-possible-pro-russian-coalition-emerges/
Deutsche Welle, 09/06/2019: Moldova snap election called as crisis deepens https://p.dw.com/p/3K6WE
Deutsche Welle, 09/06/2019: Moldova parties form government, despite court rulings https://p.dw.com/p/3K5VD
Reuters, 09/06/2019: Moldovan president suspended, snap election called as crisis deepens https://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKKCN1TA06O
Euronews, 10/06/2019: Moldovan president suspended, snap elections called amid deepening crisis https://www.euronews.com/2019/06/09/moldovan-court-relives-dodon-of-duty-as-president
Foreign Policy, 10/06/2019: Moldova’s Governments Go Head to Head https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/06/10/moldovas-governments-go-head-to-head/
Politico, 10/06/2019: Uncertainty reigns in Moldova as two blocs fight for power https://www.politico.eu/article/uncertainty-reigns-in-moldova-as-two-blocs-fight-for-power/
Euronews, 10/06/2019: Moldova would-be PM calls for EU’s help amid political crisis https://www.euronews.com/2019/06/10/moldova-would-be-pm-calls-for-eu-s-help-amid-political-crisis
BBC News, 10/06/2019: Moldova crisis: Snap elections called by interim president https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-48572304
The Irish Times, 10/06/2019: Moldova crisis deepens as rival governments vie for power https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/moldova-crisis-deepens-as-rival-governments-vie-for-power-1.3921107
RFE/RL, 10/06/2019: Rival Moldovan Governments Meet Separately As Russia Sides With New Alliance https://www.rferl.org/a/rival-moldovan-governments-meet-separately-as-russia-sides-with-new-alliance/29991856.html
EUObserver, 11/06/2019: EU urges Moldova to respect democracy https://euobserver.com/tickers/145119
EurActiv, 12/06/2019: Moldova’s unprecedented power struggle: A drama in five acts https://www.euractiv.com/section/europe-s-east/news/moldovas-unprecedented-power-struggle-a-drama-in-five-acts/
The Irish Times, 13/06/2019: Moldova's new government calls mass rally to oust rival cabinet https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/moldova-s-new-government-calls-mass-rally-to-oust-rival-cabinet-1.3924977
The New York Times, 14/06/2019: Moldova Had Two Governments. One Has Finally Resigned. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/14/world/europe/moldova-new-government.html
Euronews, 15/06/2019: Moldova had two, parallel governments. Now, one of them has quit https://www.euronews.com/2019/06/15/moldova-had-two-parallel-governments-now-one-of-them-has-quit
Deutsche Welle, 15/06/2019: Moldovan oligarch's party makes way for pro-Europe, pro-Russia coalition https://p.dw.com/p/3KV5I
EurActiv, 15/06/2019: ‘Moldova is free’ cheers new premier as rival steps aside https://www.euractiv.com/section/europe-s-east/news/moldova-is-free-cheers-new-premier-as-rival-steps-aside/
Euronews, 17/06/2019: New Moldovan Prime Minister to seek closer ties with EU https://www.euronews.com/2019/06/17/new-moldovan-prime-minister-to-seek-closer-ties-with-eu
Balkan Insight, 17/06/2019: Moldova Faces New Turmoil After ex-Leader Leaves https://balkaninsight.com/2019/06/17/moldova-faces-new-turmoil-after-ex-leader-leaves/
RFE/RL, 19/06/2019: Moldovan Foreign Minister Says Coalition United On Economy, But Future Uncertain https://www.rferl.org/a/moldova-foreign-minister-popsecu-west-russia-political-split/30007701.html

NATO, 09/06/2019: Statement by the NATO Spokesperson on the situation in the Republic of Moldova https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_166727.htm
Council of Europe: Newsroom, 09/06/2019: Statement of the Secretary General on the situation in the Republic of Moldova and the Venice Commission https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/statement-by-the-spokesperson-of-the-secretary-general-on-the-situation-in-moldova
EU EEAS: Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Johannes Hahn on the political situation in the Republic of Moldova, 9 June 2019 https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/moldova/63826/

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