Preliminary references to the European Court of Justice (Second Edition)

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 9780198704027
Content Type

Publisher's Summary:

This fully updated and revised second edition of Preliminary References to the European Court of Justice provides a meticulous and yet easily accessible examination of all aspects of the preliminary reference procedure.

Since the first edition there have been significant changes to the European Union's legal foundations. First and foremost of those being the signing of the Lisbon Treaty, which has had both direct and indirect consequences for the preliminary reference procedure. In addition, the authors have taken into account amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice and the Court's amended Statute, they have added expanded treatment of the acte clair doctrine and the Court's Cartesio ruling and a more general revision of the text bringing it up to date by taking into account new case law and new legal writings.

In addition to these important updates, the authors have also revised the structure of the book. With backgrounds as both practitioners and academics the two authors have produced a book that caters for the needs of both practitioners and academics.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Variations in Member State Use of Preliminary References
  3. Which Bodies May Refer?
  4. What Questions Can Be Referred?
  5. When Can a Reference for a Preliminary Ruling be Made?
  6. When are National Courts Obliged to Refer Questions?
  7. When Ought a Reference for a Preliminary Ruling be Made?
  8. The Form and Content of a Reference
  9. Proceedings Before the Referring Court After a Reference Has Been Made
  10. The Procedure before the Court of Justice
  11. The Preliminary Ruling
  12. The Effects of the Preliminary Ruling
  13. Litigation Costs and Legal Aid
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International Organisations