Press Release: Commission adopts Rule of Law Opinion on the situation in Poland

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/16/2015 (01.06.16)
Publication Date 01/06/2016
Content Type

The European Commission adopted on 1 June 2016 an Opinion concerning the rule of law in Poland.

Following the intensive dialogue that had been ongoing with the Polish authorities since 13 January 2016, the Commission deemed it necessary to formalise its assessment of the current situation in this Opinion. As foreseen in the Rule of Law Framework, this was the first step taken by the Commission in this process. The Opinion set out the concerns of the Commission and served to focus the ongoing dialogue with the Polish authorities towards finding a solution.

In response, PiS parliamentary group Beata Mazurek restated the party line that the European Commission lacked the authority to interfere in Poland's sovereign affairs.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: College discusses a draft Rule of Law Opinion on the situation in Poland
European Commission: DG Communication: RAPID: MEMO/16/2017, 01.06.16: Commission Opinion on the Rule of Law in Poland and the Rule of Law Framework: Questions & Answers
European Commission: DG Communication: RAPID: SPEECH/16/2023, 01.06.16: Opening Remarks of First Vice-President Frans Timmermans - Press Conference on Rule of Law in Poland
EurActiv, 01.06.16: EU formally warns Poland in rule-of-law row
EUObserver, 01.06.16: Commission adopts Polish rule of law report
Radio Poland, 01.06.16: EU Commission criticizes Poland,EU-Commission-criticizes-Poland
Politico, 01.06.16: Commission ramps up pressure on Poland
BBC News, 01.06.16: Poland constitution: EU warns over threat to rule of law
The Guardian, 01.06.16: The EU's warning to Poland over the rule of law comes with risks
Euro|Topics: Debates, June 2016: Trouble over Poland's judicial reform
EUObserver, 02.06.16: Polish leaders play down EU 'opinion'
Poland, 03.06.16: Poland shrugs off EU warning
Blog: EU Law Analysis, 19.08.16: Commission Opinion of 1 June 2016 regarding the Rule of Law in Poland: Full text now available

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