Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council on the European Social Fund, as regards an increase of the initial pre-financing amount paid to operational programmes supported by the Youth Employment Initiative

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2015) 46
Publication Date 04/02/2015
Content Type


The purpose of the YEI is to provide additional funding for promoting youth employment to the regions most affected by youth unemployment including through the implementation of the Council recommendation on establishing the Youth Guarantee. Support provided under the YEI can only directly target young people not in employment, education or training and, unlike the European Social Fund, it cannot support systems and structures. The YEI is integrated in the programming of the ESF and the programming arrangements can take the form of a dedicated operational programme, a dedicated priority axis within an operational programme or a part of one or more priority axes.

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ESO Records
Background information: Juncker Commission makes 1 billion euro available for the young unemployed

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International Organisations