Putting more Union in the European customs. Ten proposals to make the EU Customs Union fit for a Geopolitical Europe

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date March 2022
Content Type


Report published in March 2022 Wise Persons Group on Challenges Facing the Customs Union (WPG) concerning the future of the European Union's Customs Union.

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Their conclusion is that EU Customs need an urgent structural change which, building on the reforms of the last decade, take European customs to the next level and prepare them to address modern challenges, such as new trade models and growing trade volumes, technological developments, the green transition, the new geopolitical context and security risks.

The Group recognises important changes to customs legislation and IT in recent years and commends the reform plans set out in the Customs Action Plan adopted by the College in September 2020. However, it advocates for more fundamental and wide-ranging reforms, expressed in 10 recommendations to be implemented by 2030. These include revised and simpler customs legislation, a new framework of responsibility and trust, streamlined procedures and reduced administrative burden, a new approach to data, a more effective governance. Particular emphasis was put on the need for a paradigm shift, to ensure that EU Customs contributes to Europe’s security and defence and act as a Union-wide system, rather than the sum of Member States’ individual efforts. Customs are essential in managing crises at the European borders and protecting citizens, businesses and revenues.

Source Link https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/document/download/e5326383-2e8d-4d0e-9025-ddf262e9df6e_en?filename=TAX-20-002-Future%20customs-REPORT_BIS_v5%20%28WEB%29.pdf
Related Links
European Commission: Taxation & Customs Union: Wise Persons Group on Challenges Facing the Customs Union (WPG) https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs-4/wise-persons-group-challenges-facing-customs-union-wpg_en
European Commission: Press Release, 31/03/2022: Taking the EU Customs Union to the next level: innovative ideas for a modern and efficient Customs Union presented by Wise Persons Group https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_2181
European Commission: EU Customs Union: Questions and Answers on the Wise Persons Group report (31 March 2022) https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/qanda_22_2182

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