Reaching EU road safety objectives – Time to move up a gear

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 04/2024, Number 04
Publication Date February 2024
ISBN 978-92-849-1767-9
ISSN 1977-5679
EC QJ-AB-24-004-EN-Q
Content Type


In 2022, 20 640 people were killed in road accidents in the EU, with pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists particularly at risk. The EU aims at halving road fatalities and serious injuries by 2030 and getting close to zero by 2050. We assessed whether the Commission had been effective at setting up the EU Safe System approach and supporting member states in the achievement of those objectives. We concluded that the Commission has set up a comprehensive approach. However, we identified shortcomings in the Commission’s actions. At the current rate of progress, and without additional efforts from the EU and member states, these ambitious objectives are unlikely to be reached. We made recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the Commission’s initiatives in the area.

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