Reform of the e-Privacy Directive

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details September 2017
Publication Date September 2017
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‘EU Legislation in Progress’ briefings aim to provide Members of the European Parliament with systematic and automatic analysis on all substantial proposals for EU legislation at every stage of the legislative procedure. Each contains an account of the purpose, content and legal aspects of the legislation proposed, in particular analysing what the legislation would change, as well as any previous legislation and the background. An overview of stakeholders’ views is also provided, as well as the opinions of national parliaments and the two advisory committees.

They are all made publicly available for stakeholders and the public.

The briefings are continuously updated as they pass through the policy making process and the source url hyperlink above should take you to the latest available version.In January 2017, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on privacy and electronic communications which would replace the current 2002 e-Privacy Directive.

The main objectives of the review are:

+ enhancing security and communications confidentiality;
+ defining clearer rules on tracking technologies such as cookies;
+ achieving greater harmonisation among Member States.

Stakeholders were divided on certain issues, including on the basic need for a new measure to protect confidentiality in e-communications. Some national parliaments made comments on the proposal, and discussions were progressing in Council. In the European Parliament, rapporteur Marju Lauristin (S&D, Estonia) presented a draft report to the Civil Liberties Committee on 21 June 2017, and this was expected to be voted in the European Parliament plenary session in October 2017.

Author: Shara Monteleone

Source Link
Related Links
EP: EPRS: Briefing: EU Legislation in Progress
ESO: Background information: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the respect for private life and the protection of personal data in electronic communications and repealing Directive 2002/58/EC (Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications) (COM (2017)10)
ESO: Background information: Review of the ePrivacy Directive (EPRS: Briefing: Implementation Appraisal, February 2017)
ESO: Background information: Respect for private life and protection of personal data in electronic communications (EPRS: Briefing: Initial Appraisal of a European Commission Impact Assessment April 2017)

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