Refugees and Economic Migrants: Facts, policies and challenges

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Publication Date October 2016
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The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) was founded in 1983 to enhance the quality of economic policy-making within Europe and beyond, by fostering high quality, policy-relevant economic research, and disseminating it widely to decision-makers in the public and private sectors. Drawing together the expertise of its 1000 Research Fellows and Affiliates, mainly in Europewan universities, CEPR initiates, funds and coordinates research activities and communicates the results quickly and effectively to decision makers around the world. The Centre is an independent, non-profit organization and takes no institutional policy positions.

CEPR calls itself a 'thinknet' rather than 'think tank'. It is a distributed network of economists, who are affiliated with but not employed by CEPR, and who collaborate through the Centre on a wide range of policy-related research projects and dissemination activities.This eBook offers a brief summary of what economists have learnt about migration in several crucial areas of policymaking, and identifies most of the important questions that still remain to be answered.


Introduction - Francesco Fasani

Part I: Refugee migration
+ The migration crisis and refugee policy in Europe - Timothy J. Hatton
+ Efficient solidarity mechanisms in asylum policy - Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga
+ Labour market integration of refugees in Norway - Bernt Bratsberg, Oddbjørn Raaum, and Knut Røed

Part II: Economic migrants and their impact on hosting societies
+ Immigration and the UK: Reflections after Brexit - Marco Alfano, Christian Dustmann and Tommaso Frattini
+ Skilled immigrants: Economic contribution and policy implications - Francesc Ortega and Chad Sparber
+ The impact of immigration on health and health care: Evidence from the United Kingdom - Osea Giuntella, Catia Nicodemo and Carlos Vargas-Silva
+ Immigrants and crime - Paolo Pinotti
+ Education policy and migration - Lidia Farré and Ryuichi Tanaka

Part III: Migrants' gains and global gains from migration
+ The short- and long-run returns to international migration: Evidence from a lottery - John Gibson, David McKenzie and Steven Stillman
+ The global costs from migration barriers - Frédéric Docquier

Part IV: Migration policy and politics
+ Is a points system the best immigration policy? - Jennifer Hunt
+ On the piecemeal approach to immigration enforcement: Evidence from the United States - Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Esther Arenas-Arroyo
+ Media exposure and international policymaking - Giovanni Facchini
+ A democratic dividend from emigration? - Hillel Rapoport
+ Does immigration affect election outcomes? Evidence from the United States - Anna Maria Mayda, Giovanni Peri and Walter Steingress

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Countries / Regions