Report on the state of the Digital Decade 2023

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2023) 570
Publication Date 27/09/2023
Content Type ,


First report on the State of the Digital Decade, published by the European Commission on 27 September 2023.

Further information:

The first State of the Digital Decade report takes stock of the progress towards a successful digital transformation for people, businesses, and the environment across the European Union (EU), as set out by the Decision (EU) 2022/2481 established the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030. It reviews digital policy developments and describes how the EU is advancing towards the agreed targets and objectives, thus outlining where the EU stands at the outset of the implementation of the Programme.

This report includes recommendations to Member States ahead of the adoption of their national strategic roadmaps and for their future adjustments. In the annex, the country specific recommendations are based on each country's performance and potential to contribute to collective efforts towards achieving the Digital Decade targets and objectives. The report also includes the monitoring of the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade.

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Related Links
EUR-LEX: SWD(2023)570: Staff Working Document accompanying the Report - Implementation of the Digital Decade objectives and the Digital Rights and Principles
EUR-LEX: SWD(2023)571: Staff Working Document accompanying the Report - Digital Decade Cardinal Points
EUR-LEX: SWD(2023)572: Staff Working Document accompanying the Report - Digital Decade Country Reports
EUR-LEX: SWD(2023)573: Staff Working Document accompanying the Report - Implementation of multi-country projects
EUR-LEX: SWD(2023)574: Staff Working Document accompanying the Report - DESI 2023 methodological note
European Commission: Library: 2023 Report on the state of the Digital Decade
European Commission: Press Release, 27/09/2023: First report on the State of the Digital Decade calls for collective action to shape the digital transition
European Commission: Questions & Answers on the First report on the State of the Digital Decade (27 September 2023)
Spanish Government: News, 27/09/2023: Spain remains at the forefront of the main EU economies in terms of digitalisation and connectivity
Luxembourgish Government: Press Release, 27/09/2023: Digital Decade Country Report 2023: Luxembourg considered a strong contributor in the collective efforts to achieve the EU's Digital Decade targets

EurActiv, 29/09/2023: EU Digital Decade report shows gaps in digitalisation plans
N1 Info, 30/09/2023: At least €200 bn needed to achieve 2030 Digital Decade targets, report says

Commentary and Analysis
Politico: Events, 25/09/2023: Halfway through the Digital Decade: how far along is Europe’s digital transformation?

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International Organisations