Scrutiny of regulations made under the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details February 2018
Publication Date February 2018
Content Type

The Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee of the National Assembly for Wales published a report called Scrutiny of regulations made under the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill in February 2018.

The Committee had undertaken a short inquiry to examine the powers delegated to UK and Welsh Ministers in the UK Government’s EU (Withdrawal) Bill* in order to make subordinate legislation. The terms of reference for the inquiry were:

+ to consider the appropriateness of:
- the scope and nature of delegated powers provided in the Bill to UK and Welsh Ministers, including the use of Henry VIII powers
- the procedures to be used to scrutinise delegated legislation under the Bill.

+ to consider the reports of other parliamentary committees across the UK on the delegated powers within the Bill

+ to consider any other relevant matter relating to the making of subordinate legislation as a consequence of the Bill.

A further report Scrutiny of regulations made under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018: Operational matters was published in July 2018.

* The bill received Royal Assent on the 26 June 2018 and is now the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.

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Related Links
Wales: National Assembly for Wales: Assembly Business: Committees
United Kingdom: Cabinet Office: Press Release, 12.12.17: Governments agree a way forward on EU powers
ESO: In Focus: Brexit - The United Kingdom and the European Union
ESO: Find more information on Wales and the EU Referendum, 23 June 2016
Wales: National Assembly for Wales: Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee: Report, July 2018: Scrutiny of regulations made under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018: Operational matters
Wales: National Assembly for Wales: Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee: Inquiry, 2018: The Powers in the EU (Withdrawal) Bill to make subordinate legislation - operational matters
Wales: National Assembly for Wales: Senedd Research: In Brief, 20.07.18: Committee plan for sifting Brexit regulations
Wales: National Assembly for Wales: Senedd Research: In Brief, 02.10.18: Assembly asked to change procedures for Exiting the EU legislation

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